Lunch: Bonus Market-Find Recipe: Cheeseburger Mashed Potato Parfaits


1 1/3 cups instant mashed potato flakes
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup fat-free sour cream
2 frozen meatless hamburger-style patties with about 100 calories each
2 slices fat-free American cheese, broken into small pieces
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped onion
4 teaspoons ketchup
4 hamburger dill pickle chips


In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine potato flakes, onion powder, salt, and 2 1/3 cups of water. Stir until completely moistened. Cover the bowl and microwave for 4 minutes, or until hot.
Once cool enough to handle, add sour cream and stir until blended and smooth. Re-cover the bowl to keep it hot and set it aside.
Prepare burger patties on the stove in a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray or on a microwave-safe plate in the microwave. (Refer to the package instructions for the exact temperature and cook time.) Once cool enough to handle, chop well. Set aside.
Scoop about 1/3 cup of potatoes into each of 4 parfait glasses. Evenly distribute the chopped burger patties among the glasses, followed by the cheese pieces.
Evenly distribute the remaining mashed potatoes among the glasses, followed by the tomatoes and onion. Top each with 1 teaspoon of ketchup and a pickle chip. Enjoy!
Cook's Note: This is not meant to be an under-five-minute recipe. It's just a fun way to use the instant mashed potato flakes featured in this episode!
PER SERVING (1/4th of recipe, 1 parfait): 168 calories, 1. 5g fat, 634mg sodium, 29g carbs, 3. 25g fiber, 4g sugars, 10g protein


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