Lunch: Grilled Corn on the Cob Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Bill and Cheryl Jamison Grilled in its husk, the corn takes on a wonderful, lightly charred flavor while its sugars caramelize and intensify. Soaking in salted water lightly seasons the corn and helps keep it moist as it grills. Then, since the


8 ears corn with husks
1 tablespoon kosher salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted


Preheat grill to medium-high heat.
Pull the husks back from corn, keeping husks intact; scrub off silks, and pull husks back over corn to cover. Place corn and salt in a large stockpot; cover with water. Let stand 45 minutes; drain.
Place corn on grill rack, and grill for 8 minutes on each side or until husks are blackened. Serve grilled corn with butter.


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