Appetizer: Tortilla Pizza

A low calorie "pizza" with mozzarella and vegetables.


1 medium flour tortillas
1 oz pizza sauce
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup chopped or sliced tomatoes


1. Coat a frying pan with non-stick spray and bake tortilla until browned.

2. Remove tortilla from heat and add to a sprayed cookie sheet.

3. Add thin layer of sauce and the desired amount of cheese to the tortilla. Add any vegetables.

4. Broil for about 5-10 minutes.

5. If tortilla is soft when done baking, you can throw it back in the frying pan for a few minutes.

6. Note: add fresh veggies to make it even healthier... broccoli, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes and a whole-wheat tortilla make this the ultimate "treat". Also watch the calorie content of your sauce, the amount of cheese and the size of your tortilla or the calories can get out of control fast.


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