Dessert: Chocolate Toffee Trifle

A delicious layered dessert with cake, whipped cream and hot fudge sauce.


1 1/2 cups fresh whipped cream, sweetened with 1/3 cup sugar
3 bars toffee candy bars, broken into pieces
1/2 cup coffee liqueur
1 box chocolate cake mix, (for a 9x13 cake, prepare as directed)
1 (4 oz) bar German chocolate
1/2 oz unsweetened chocolate
8 tablespoons butter
3 cups powdered sugar
1 2/3 cups evaporated milk
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla


Prepare cake according to package directions. Pour into a 9 x 13-inch pan. Cool thoroughly. Pierce holes over the entire top of the cake with a fork. Pour coffee liqueur over the cake, allowing it to soak in. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 3 hours. In a glass trifle bowl, layer ingredients beginning with a one-inch layer of cake, 1/4 of the fudge sauce, 1 candy bar, and 1/4 of the whipped cream. Repeat layering 2 more times ending with candy bar and fudge sauce. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Left over cake can be frozen.
Cook's Note: Assemble the trifle shortly before serving or it will get soggy.


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