Dinner: Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie

All your favorite veggies in a golden pie crust.


1 cup peas
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup garlic cloves
1 cup sliced baby onion
1 cup cubed eggplant
2 cups diced red potato
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup low fat pancake & baking mix


1. Preheat oven to 350 °F (175 °C). Lightly grease one 13" x 9" casserole dish (or size of your choice).

2. Chop all vegetable ingredients and mix in a bowl. Add spices as desired, and set aside. Mix enough pancake and baking mix dough to make a bottom crust and a top crust for your dish.

3. Line the cooking pan with dough. Place vegetables in pan, on top of dough. Place top layer of dough over veggies.

4. Glaze with butter or margarine if desired.

5. Bake for one hour or until top crust is golden brown. Sprinkle the top crust with cheese if desired.

6. Note: vegetables may come out dry, so adding 1/2 a cup of water to your dish is optional, depending on how moist you like them.


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