Dessert: Oat Fiber Pancake

This is a very low carb pancake that is based on oat fiber (NOT oat flour).

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 5 mins

Total Time: 10 mins


1 cup oat fiber
2 cups water
1 tbsp heavy whipping cream
1 medium egg
1 tsp baking powder
3 packets sweetener
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


1. Mix together the oat fiber, water, heavy whipping cream, melted coconut oil, baking powder, sweetener, vanilla extract. Let sit at least 10 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes.

2. Add egg to the mix and whisk to blend well.

3. In a small non-stick pan, make the pancakes. Do NOT try to flip them over, the oat fiber is very crumbly, it will hold together fine but not for flipping. Instead, cover the frying pan with a fit lid for about a minute with the burner set to 5, then uncover and turn the burner down to 4 and cook for about another minute. Drop the pancake in a plate by turning the pan upside down above the plate with a brisk move.

4. Can be served with melted butter or coconut oil sprinkled over, or with low carb pancake syrup, sprinkle sweetener on top, or sugar-free preserve. Can also be used as a layer for a low-carb cake with butter frosting.


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