Lunch: Italian Stromboli

Roll up a 4-ingredient stromboli, and the rolled sandwich is ready to eat in just 30 minutes.


1 can Pillsbury™ refrigerated crusty French loaf
3 tablespoons creamy Caesar or creamy Italian dressing
1/2 lb thinly sliced deli salami (about 36 slices)
6 slices (1 oz each) provolone cheese


Heat oven to 375 °F. Lightly spray cookie sheet with cooking spray.
Unroll dough onto cookie sheet. Spread dressing over dough to within 1 inch of edges. Layer half each of the salami and cheese lengthwise in 5-inch-wide strip down center of dough to within 1 inch of each short side, overlapping salami and cheese. Repeat layering with remaining salami and cheese.
Fold long sides of dough over filling; pinch edges in center to seal. Fold ends under 1 inch; seal. Cut several slits in top for steam to escape.
Bake 20 to 24 minutes or until deep golden brown. Cut crosswise into slices to serve.


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