Lunch: Cheese Fondue Recipe | MyRecipes

This easy cheese fondue recipe uses time-saving shortcuts like shredded Swiss cheese and ready-to-eat Alfredo pasta sauce. Serve with sliced fruit and bread for a fun and easy party appetizer.


1 garlic clove, halved (optional)
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 10-ounce tub refrigerated Alfredo sauce
1 8-ounce bag shredded Swiss cheese (2 cups)
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon kirsch or brandy (optional)


Rub the garlic clove (if using) around the inside of a fondue pot or nonaluminum saucepan, then discard. Add the wine and heat to boiling. Reduce flame (or stovetop) to low and add the Alfredo sauce, Swiss cheese, and nutmeg. Stir constantly until the cheese is melted and very hot. Add the kirsch or brandy (if using).
Serve with cubes of bread, sliced pears, and sliced apples.


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