Snack: Cookie-rific Ice Cream Freeze


1 teaspoon fat-free or sugar-free French vanilla powdered creamer
1/2 of a 100-calorie pack of thin chocolate crisps or 3/4 sheet (3 crackers) chocolate graham crackers broken into pieces
3/4 cup light vanilla soymilk
2 no-calorie sweetener packets
1/4 cup fat-free vanilla ice cream
8 to 12 ice cubes or 1 1/2 cups crushed ice
Fat-free whipped topping (from an aerosol canister), for optional topping


Add creamer to 1 ounce of warm water and stir to dissolve.
Put chocolate crisps or graham crackers into a blender. Add creamer mixture, soymilk, sweetener, ice cream, and ice. Blend on high until mixed thoroughly, about 45 seconds. Pour into a tall glass and, if you like, top with whipped topping. Mmmmmm!
PER SERVING (entire recipe): 166 calories, 3g fat, 177mg sodium, 28. 5g carbs, 1g fiber, 14. 5g sugars, 6g protein


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