Snack: Fried Cookie Dough Balls


3/4 Cup Blanched Almond Flour
1 Scoop Vanilla Casein Powder
2 Large Eggs
10 Drops Liquid Stevia
2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
1/2 Tbsp. Baking Powder
3 Squares Ghiradelli Midnight 86% Cocao
1-2 tsp. Granulated Erythritol (As needed, to thicken and sweeten dough)
1 tsp. Powdered Erythritol (Garnish)


1. Get your ingredients ready! The main 3 ingredients are Honeyville Blanched Almond Flour, Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Casein, and Stevia Drops. You don’t absolutely need the erythritol in this recipe – and if you don’t have it, you can add a few more drops of liquid stevia. The blanched almond flour is needed, as the almond meal will create a gritty texture.
2. In a large mixing bowl, measure out your 3/4 Cup Almond Flour.
3. Add your 1/2 Tbsp. Baking Powder and 1 Scoop Vanilla Casein.
4. Mix together your dry ingredients so they’re incorporated. Then, create a hole in the middle of your dough.
5. Crack an egg into the middle of your dough.
6. Add 10 drops liquid stevia and 1-2 tsp. Erythritol. I start out with 1 teaspoon and add another teaspoon if the dough needs to become a bit thicker.
7. Start by mixing your egg in the middle. As you mix, parts of your dough will get pulled into the egg and combine. Continue to mix until it is thoroughly combined and has created a very doughy substance. It should be a little sticky.
8. Create a rectangle from your dough. You want it to be about 3/4 inch thick.
9. Cut your dough into 12 pieces (keep in mind I halved my entire recipe).
10. Push a hole into the middle of your dough.
11. Break your chocolate squares into quarters, then break each quarter piece into quarters again. This should leave you with 48 tiny pieces.
12. Add your 4 tiny pieces of chocolate (1 quarter of a whole square) to the hole you created in the dough.
13. Grab your dough with chocolate into your hand.
14. Start to pinch the edges upward to seal off the dough.
15. Continue to pinch the edges until the dough is sealed.
16. Roll them out between your hands into balls. Try to get the as round as possible, but perfection isn’t key.
17. In a non-stick pan, add your 2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil. Set to medium high heat and let it get to the smoke point.
18. Right as your coconut oil starts to smoke, add your dough balls. They should begin to fry immidiately.
19. Once they have started to brown on the bottom, turn them to another side to continue the browning.
20. Brown them on each side evenly, making sure that they don’t get burnt.
21. Set the dough balls onto some paper towels to drain excess grease and cool down.
22. You can grind up the granulated erythritol in a spice grinder or coffee grinder to powder it and add as a garnish. Enjoy!


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