Lunch: S'mores Crescent Roll-Ups

Recipe by Lindsay Funston Eating these by a campfire is highly encouraged.


All-purpose flour, for rolling
1 tube crescent roll dough
2 c. mini chocolate chips
1 c. mini marshmallows
1 c. graham crackers, broken into small pieces


Sprinkle surface with flour.
On top of floured surface, unroll crescents and separate into individual triangles.
Meanwhile, in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave 1 cup chocolate chips in 30-second increments until fully melted. Set aside.
To each crescent, spread 1 teaspoon of melted chocolate, then top with 1 tsp. each mini chocolate chips, marshmallows, and graham cracker pieces. Roll into crescent shape and transfer to a baking sheet.
Bake at 325 degrees F until golden, 15 minutes.
Drizzle with more melted chocolate and serve


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