Lunch: Creamy White Bean Soup with Smoked Ham Hocks

Recipe by Deb Wise Creamy, starchy, and filling, this hearty, rustic soup is the epitome of comfort. And convenient: Beans go in dry--no need to soak.


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
1 cup diced celery
1 cup diced carrot
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
6 garlic cloves, chopped
2 pounds smoked ham hocks
1 pound dried Great Northern beans
2 (26-ounce) containers unsalted chicken stock (such as Swanson)
1/4 cup minced fresh chives
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add onion and next 4 ingredients (through garlic); cook 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Scrape onion mixture into a 6-quart electric slow cooker. Add hocks, beans, and stock. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 hours or overnight.
Remove hocks from pan; cool slightly. Remove meat from bones; discard fat, skin, and bones. Chop meat; stir into beans. Cook 10 minutes to allow flavors to meld. Sprinkle with chives and black pepper.


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