Snack: Low Carb Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes, ‘Nuff Said


1 16oz can Organic Soy Beans
5 Large Eggs
3/4 Cup Granulated Splenda
6 Tbsp. Grass Fed Butter (Unsalted, Room Temperature)
1 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract
5 Tbsp. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
1 Tbsp. Water

8 Tbsp. Grass Fed Butter (Unsalted, Room Temperature)
1-2 Tbsp. Granulated Splenda
3 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
2 Tbsp. Heavy Cream
1 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract


1. Preheat your oven to 325 F.
2. Open your can of soy beans and drain them. Put them into a colander and rinse them WELL. Seriously, they are in a salty brining liquid, and need to be washed for at least 1-2 minutes. I use my hands to make sure all the beans have been washed well, but you must be gentle to ensure they stay intact.
3. Dump your beans into a mixing bowl (or blender), this is where the fun will begin.
4. Add 3 eggs, 1 Tbsp. vanilla extract, and about 1-2 Tbsp. Splenda.
5. I like to use a hand blender, as my real one is not great. If you have a good blender, then use it. Blend it very well, make sure there’s absolutely no lumps from the beans whatsoever. It should be the consistency of a semi-watery batter when you are finished.
6. In a separate bowl, mix together your 5 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder, 1 tsp. baking powder, and 1/2 tsp. baking soda.
7. This is a bowl intensive recipe, so be prepared for some dishes to clean afterward. Get another bowl out and add your room temperature butter and the rest of the Splenda.
8. Cream it together until its light and fluffy, then add your remaining 2 eggs. Continue to beat with a hand mixer for another minute.
9. Slowly add your bean mixture to your creamed eggs, and blend well.
10. Use the colander you used to drain the beans, and sift the cocoa powder mix into your batter. Slowly mix them together until you have everything in there. In my picture, the batter looks dense. Keep blending it until it becomes lighter in color and more fluffy. This will ensure that they rise well.
11. Get out your cupcake tray and spray them down with coconut oil. Add your cake batter to the holes, filling them up almost completely full. For me, this made 8 total cupcakes.
12. Stick them in the oven and set a timer for 40 minutes.

1. In yet another mixing bowl, put your 8 Tbsp. butter and cream it well.
2. Add your splenda and continue to beat until it is well mixed.
3. Add your heavy cream, vanilla, and peanut butter and continue to mix until it is consistent.
4. Slowly add your cocoa powder and stir it in with a spoon until it is incorporated. Then you can beat it for 1 minute until everything is mixed well.
5. Refrigerate your batter while your cupcakes are in the oven.

1. Once your cupcakes are at room temperature, remove your batter from the fridge.
2. Mix your batter well with a knife, ensuring that the consistency is back to light and fluffy.
3. Generously apply your icing to your cupcakes.
4. In a mixing bowl, pour in 1/2 Cup heavy cream and Splenda to taste.
5. Whisk heavily until the cream is light and fluffy.
6. Cut the corner off of a Ziploc bag, and fill with cream.
7. Add your cream on top of your cupcakes once iced. If you have an actual pastry bag, more power to you!


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