Dessert: The Ultimate Indulgent Hot Chocolate for Two


1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 pinches of salt
2 cups half-and-half or 1 cup whole milk plus 1 cup heavy cream
6 ounces bittersweet (60% cacao) chocolate, broken into small pieces or chopped
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Whisk together the cornstarch and salt, and whisk in the milk and cream until cornstarch is dissolved.
Bring the mixture just to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly, then reduce the heat and slowly simmer it, whisking frequently, 1 minute.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate. Let it rest for 1 minute, then whisk the mixture until chocolate is melted and liquid is smooth.
Whisk in the cocoa and the vanilla, and if necessary, reheat it over medium-low heat until hot.


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