Snack: 1 Minute Molten Chocolate Brownie


2 Large Eggs
1 Packet Splenda
1 Scoop Protein Powder (I use Double Chocolate Gold Standard from ON)
1 Tbsp. Heavy Cream


1. Get a mug out, but try to make sure it is small in size. With larger mugs it’s harder to determine how long it needs in the microwave (usually it needs a bit more time), and if it’s your first time doing this you’ll be better off
2. Crack 2 eggs into your mug.
3. Add 1 tbsp. heavy cream.
4. Add your protein powder and Splenda. If you can use liquid sucralose or stevia, it’s even better – as it’s 0g carbs instead of 1g.
5. Mix it up as best as you can. Don’t worry if there’s still a few little lumps in there as they tend to dissolve as it’s cooking in the microwave.
6. Nuke it for 1 minute on regular power. No need to fuss with high or low power on this one.
7. You will notice that the mixture starts to rise, and as it starts to come out of the mug (let it rise about 1 inch above the rim) you can stop the microwave. This happens to be at exactly 1 minute for my microwave.
8. Up to you, but I like to mix mine up and let all the liquid soak into the now semi-dry brownie portion. Molten chocolate ontop of that sweet brownie!


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