Lunch: Quick-and-Easy Peach Parcels


8 whole Storebought Crepes (I Used Melissa's Brand)
1 whole Ripe Peach, Pitted And Cut Into Chunks
3 Tablespoons Butter, Softened
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon Peach Schnaaps (optional)
Freshly Whipped Cream
Special Equipment: Clothespins


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a bowl, mix together softened butter, brown sugar, vanilla, and peach schnaaps, if using.
Working one at a time, lay a crepe on a flat surface and place a couple of peach chunks in the middle. Spoon a little bit of the butter mixture on top of the peach chunks, then quickly gather the crepe into a "parcel." Secure with a clothespin.
Repeat with remaining crepes. Keep in mind that the crepes dry out very quickly, so just work with them one at a time. Don't worry if you experience a little crack or tear; they'll still be yummy.
Bake at 350 degrees for only 3 to 5 minutes, watching to make sure they don't burn. (Crepes burn very easily; keep an eye out!)
To serve, spoon whipped cream onto a plate. Set warm peach parcel in the middle of the whipped cream and garnish with little peach slices.
Very pretty/fancy... very little effort!


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