Lunch: Faux Pierogi over Cabbage and Potatoes O'Brien


3 large white potatoes, diced into 1-inch cubes
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
1 red bell pepper, stem and seeds removed and diced
1 green bell pepper, stem and seeds removed and diced
1 large white onion, diced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Bring a pot of water to boil for the potatoes and boil until tender. Drain well, cover and set aside. Bring a separate pot of water to boil for each of the types of ravioli since their cooking times will vary. Boil the ravioli until they rise to the top and using a slotted spoon remove to drain. Toss with 1 to 3 tablespoons of the grapeseed oil as needed, to keep them from sticking, (reserving the other tablespoon). Cover and set aside. To saute the cabbage and pierogi, heat 1 of the remaining tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the white cabbage and season with salt and pepper. If using red cabbage also, heat another of the remaining tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a separate large saute pan over medium heat, add the red cabbage, season with salt and pepper. Let the cabbage cook until very tender and until it begins to "sweeten." When the cabbage is tender, remove the cabbage to a bowl, add the ravioli to the same pan and saute very briefly. To finish the Potatoes O'Brien, while the cabbage is sauteing, heat the oil in a large saute pan and saute the bell peppers and onion until the onion turns translucent. Stir in the par-boiled drained potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Place some Potatoes O'Brien in the middle of a serving plate and spoon alternate portions of green cabbage and red cabbage around the potatoes. Top with pierogi.


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