Lunch: Naan Pizza

Recipe by Nigella Lawson This pizza recipe from Nigella Express host Nigella Lawson is not much harder to cook than making a phone call. Mushrooms, fontina cheese, and thyme are her toppings of choice, but feel free to play around when making your own.


1 naan
2 tsp. tomato puree (chopped and sieved tomatoes) from a jar or other tomato sauce
1/2 c. drained mixed mushroom antipasto from a jar
1/2 c. roughly chopped fontina
3 stalk fresh thyme


Preheat over to 425 degrees F. Lay the naan on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment, aluminum foil, or Silpat.
Spread tomato puree or sauce over the naan, then tumble over the drained mushrooms and sprinkle over the chopped cheese before finally strewing with the thyme leaves stripped from the stalks.
Cook in the oven for about 5 minutes, by which time the cheese should be bubbling and melted. Be careful not burn your mouth.


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