Dinner: Brined Roast Turkey Breast with Confit Legs

Recipe by /contributors/suzanne-goin No more dry bird! Goin prepares the breast and legs with distinct cooking techniques, resulting in unbelievable flavor and texture1 for each part: The breast is brined overnight before roasting, and the legs are cooke


1 14-pound turkey, legs and thighs cut from carcass, keeping drumsticks and thighs attached, wings cut from breast


Place whole legs and wings on a baking sheet. Rub chiles, salt, and pepper all over turkey; transfer to a large resealable plastic bag. Scatter herbs and lemon zest all around turkey in bag. Seal bag and chill overnight.
Preheat oven to 250 °F. Brush off herbs and excess salt from legs and wings.
Heat duck fat in a heavy 5-quart pot over low heat just until melted and warm. Add legs and wings to pot and submerge.
Place turkey in oven and cook until legs are tender and a paring knife can be easily inserted into the thickest part of thigh, 3-3 1/2 hours. Let turkey cool in duck fat at room temperature, about 2 hours. Cover and chill overnight. DO AHEAD: Confit can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.


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