Lunch: Helen's BBQ Bologna


One 12-pound stick bologna, whole (see Cook's Note)
Sandwich buns, for serving
Coleslaw, for serving
Barbecue sauce, for serving


Preheat a propane or charcoal grill to 130 to 150 degrees F. Place the whole stick of bologna on the grill and cook, covered, for about 2 hours. Using tongs or a BBQ fork, turn the bologna every 30 minutes to brown evenly on all sides. During the final 45 minutes of grilling, use an instant-read thermometer to take the internal temperature. Once the bologna is 250 degrees F, it's ready to come off the grill; the bologna will be dark on the outside and hot on the inside. Let the bologna rest for about 5 minutes, then cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices. Serve on the bun of your choice, and top with your favorite coleslaw and BBQ sauce.
NotesCook's Note: You can get a whole stick of bologna from your local butcher or deli. If you don't want to grill a 12-pound stick of bologna, you can cut the stick in half or quarters and grill a smaller amount following the same instructions.


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