Lunch: Warm Brussels Sprout Slaw with Bacon

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Warm Brussels Sprout Slaw with Bacon

Apples will improve your body's sensitivity to insulin (Reference:


3/4 pound thick-sliced bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 pounds Brussels sprouts, thinly sliced in a food processor
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 Granny Smith apples—peeled, cored, coarsely shredded and squeezed dry
1 teaspoon thyme leaves


In a large skillet, cook the bacon over moderately high heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp, about 6 minutes. Drain on paper towels; reserve 1/4 cup of fat.
In a large, enameled cast-iron casserole, melt the butter in the bacon fat. Add the Brussels sprouts in batches and cook over high heat, stirring, until softened but still bright green, about 8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the apples and thyme; cook, stirring, until the apples are warmed through. Transfer the slaw to a platter, scatter the bacon on top and serve.


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