Lunch: Dump-It Slow-Cooker Beef Stew

Just pour, stir, cook and serve. No chopping means less prep time and less mess!


2 lb beef stew meat (prechopped from grocer)
1 package (1.5 oz) beef stew seasoning mix
1 bag (12 oz) frozen mixed vegetables (preferably with onions)
14 oz baby yellow potatoes
8 oz baby-cut carrots
1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ beef flavored broth
1/4 cup all-purpose flour


Spray slow cooker with cooking spray. In slow cooker, place 2 lb beef stew meat (prechopped from grocer), 1 package (1. 5 oz) beef stew seasoning mix, 1 bag (12 oz) frozen mixed vegetables (preferably with onions), 14 oz baby yellow potatoes, 8 oz baby-cut carrots and 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ beef flavored broth. Stir to combine.
Cover and cook on High heat setting 5 to 6 hours, or Low heat setting 8 to 10 hours.
Before serving, remove 1/2 cup of the stew broth into small bowl; beat with 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, using whisk, until smooth. Pour back into stew, and mix until stew is thickened.


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