Snack: Gluten-Free Strawberry Shortcake

You can make this recipe with a variety of berries. If you don't have strawberries, use whatever you have on hand.


Cooking Spray
4 cups (1 quart) strawberries, sliced
2 tablespoons Splenda
2 1/3 cups Bisquick® Gluten Free mix
¼ cup trans fat free margarine
¾ cup skim milk
¾ cup egg substitute
½ teaspoon vanilla
8 teaspoons Splenda Sugar Blend
1 cup fat-free Cool Whip


Pre heat oven to 425 degrees F. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray, set aside.
In small bowl, combine strawberries and Splenda, set aside.
In medium bowl, cut in margarine into the Bisquick mix with pastry blender or fork. Stir in milk, egg substitute and vanilla. Drop by 8 spoonfuls onto prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle the top of each biscuit with 1 teaspoon Splenda Sugar Blend.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until light golden brown. Set aside to cool 5 minutes.
Split the shortcakes in half and then fill and top with ½ cup strawberries and 2 tablespoons fat free cool whip.
MAKE IT GLUTEN-FREE: To make this recipe gluten-free, ensure all ingredients are gluten-free.


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