Snack: Fruit and Cheese Kabobs

These pretty kabobs are a great snack for kids and adults. Fruit and cheese are tasty combination of carbohydrates and protein, and will leave you feeling satisfied.


8 strawberries, hulled and cut in half
16 grapes
2 kiwis, peeled and sliced
3 light string cheese sticks, each cut into 4 pieces
4 wooden skewers


To make skewers, alternate strawberries, grapes, kiwi slices, and cheese on one skewer (4 strawberry halves, 4 grapes, 2-3 kiwi slices and 3 pieces cheese per skewer).
Repeat the process for the remaining 3 skewers.
MAKE IT GLUTEN-FREE: Confirm all ingredients are gluten-free and this recipe can be made gluten-free.


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