Dinner: Crab and Avocado Salad

An appetizing salad of mixed greens with crab and avocado in a creamy sauce.

Prep Time: 15 mins


2 oz mixed salad greens
1 can crab
1 tbsp lowfat yogurt
1 dash pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 dash salt
1/2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 avocado
1/2 lime
1/2 cup cilantro
1/2 cup sliced cucumber
1 tbsp chopped red onion
2 medium whole tomatoes


1. Drain the tinned crab and place in a bowl.

2. Chop up tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro and avocado and add to the bowl, and squeeze the lime into the mixture.

3. Add the red onion, yogurt and mayonnaise, and the cayenne, salt and pepper and mix it all together.

4. Serve with the salad leaves. You could top with some pine nuts if you're feeling artistic.

5. Note: based on a recipe from the South Beach diet.


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