Dinner: Puff pastry egg tarts, 酥皮蛋撻

All videos come with english captions. Please click the CC Button to activate english subtitles. 所有视频都寫上有英文說明字幕, 請按 CC 鈕掣 Please add me as your friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/wantanmien 請加我成為您的朋友在 facebook 上: www.facebook.com/wantanmien You can find more recipes and information on my website: www.wantanmien.com 請去我綱頁: www.wantanmien.com 你會找到很多不同的食譜和大家分享 Chinese and english recipe/ instructions below : 材料: 酥皮: 1. 125 克 = 4. 409 oz, 雪櫃凍牛油 2. 1 茶匙糖 3. 少許鹽 4. 100 ml = 3, 381 fl oz, 水 5. 220 克 = 7. 76 oz, 先濾中筋麵粉 6. 26 克 = 0. 917 oz, 室溫牛油 餡: 1. 260 ml = 8. 792 fl oz, 鮮奶 2. 95 克 = 3. 351 oz, 糖 3. 3 只( 中) 雞蛋 4. 3 茶匙花奶 5. 1/5 茶匙雲呢拿香液 提示: 夏天焗 230°C = 446°F, 時間大約 15 至 16 分左右 Puff pasty ingredients: 1. 125 grams = 4. 409 oz, cold butter from fridge 2. 1 tsp sugar 3. a pinch of salt 4. 100 ml = 3, 381 fl oz, water 5. 220 克 = 7. 76 oz, all purpose flour 6. 26 克 = 0. 917 oz, room temperature butter Filling: 1. 260 ml = 8. 792 fl oz, milk 2. 95 grams = 3. 351 oz, sugar 3. 3 ( M) eggs 4. 3 tsp evaporated milk 5. 1/5 tsp vanilla extract Tips: In summer, 230°C = 446°F, baking time around 15 to 16 mins


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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