Dinner: Fish Kabobs

Broiled marinated halibut skewers with crispy bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and onion.


3 tsps or 1 packet dijon mustard
2 tbsps extra virgin olive oil
2/3 oz fresh lime juice (2 tbsp)
1 small red onion, quarters
1 medium green bell pepper, wedges
4 cherries cherry tomatoes
1 medium red bell pepper, wedges
1 lb halibut, cut 1" thick


1. Combine oil, juice, and mustard in 8x8" glass baking dish. Stir to blend.

2. Cut halibut into sixteen 1" cubes. Add in one layer to marinade. Cover and marinate in fridge for 5-10 minutes. Turn fish cubes to coat evenly and chill 5 minutes longer.

3. Pre-heat broiler. Drain fish, reserving marinade.

4. Separate onion layers slightly. Thread the fish and vegetables onto 4 skewers, alternating fish cubes with onions, peppers, and tomatoes. Brush with marinade.

5. Place skewers on broiler pan and broil 4" from heat, about 3 minutes. Turn kabobs and brush again with marinade.

6. Broil 3-4 minutes longer or until the fish is no longer transparent and vegetables are tender crisp.

7. Serve immediately.

8. Note: based on recipe from the South Beach Cookbook.


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