Dinner: Shirataki Noodles with Bean Sprouts & Red Curry

An easy but yummy shirataki noodle dish.

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 20 mins

Total Time: 25 mins


1 1/2 tbsps curry paste
7 oz petite cut diced tomatoes with zesty jalapenos
8 oz shirataki noodles
2/3 cup green & red peppers & onion strips
1 1/3 second canola cooking spray
1/2 cup jicama
12 oz bean sprouts
1 tsp ginger root
1/2 cup chayote


1. Rinse shirataki noodles in cold water and set aside.

2. Boil chayote and jicama until tender along with ginger. Drain and set aside.

3. In large frying pan saute bean sprouts, chayote, jicama along with peppers, onion and diced tomatoes with zesty jalapenos.

4. Stir in the red curry paste.

5. You can either combine the noodles or serve on top.

6. Note: for added taste you may add chicken, pork, diced sausage and so on.


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