Lunch: 5 Minute Keto Egg Drop Soup


1 1/2 cups Chicken Broth
1/2 cube Chicken Boullion
1 tbsp. Bacon Fat (or butter)
2 large Eggs
1 tsp. Chili Garlic Paste


1. Put a pan on the stove and turn it to medium-high right away. You want to get this done quick so hotter is better in this circumstance. Add to it the chicken broth, boullion cube, and bacon fat (or butter).
2. Bring the broth to a boil and stir everything together. Then, add the chili garlic paste and stir again. Turn the stove off.
3. Beat the eggs in a separate container and pour into the steaming broth.
4. Stir together well and let sit for a moment to cook.
5. It’s all done! Serve up some awesome tasting keto egg drop soup in only 5 minutes.


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