Dessert: No Bake Chocolate Christmas Pudding

ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: No Bake Chocolate Christmas Pudding is a great alternative to the traditional fruit-based pudding. A chocolate muffin is decorated with Choc Malt balls, white chocolate and other candies to give it that “traditional” pudding look. A great way to get the kids involved in the kitchen, this fabulous no-bake dessert is not only delicious, but an excellent holiday activity. It also makes a wonderful table centrepiece - give it a go! ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS - PAPERBACKS AND EBOOKS: =============== INGREDIENT LIST: =============== 1 Chocolate Muffin (trimmed) 155g Bag of Maltesers (Choc Malt Balls or similar candy) 150g of White Chocolate (melted) Red and Green Candy (to make Holly Leaves and Berries) All measurements and temperatures are in Australian Metric. For a free conversion chart, visit my Facebook Page (link below) ONE POT CHEF POSTAL ADDRESS: One Pot Chef Show PO Box 4338 Bay Village NSW 2261 Australia FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM MY SECOND CHANNEL: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! More cooking videos at: Music Track: “Bright Wish” by Kevin MacLeod Royalty Free Music - Used with Permission under Creative Commons license.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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