Agave as a super food

Agave has a low glycemic index (GI) of 17.

Recipes containing Agave

Watermelon Granita with Blueberries (Dessert)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Cantaloupe Granita (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Tequila-Spiked Caramel Corn (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Calories 0

Truffled Roasted Beet and Green Bean Salad with Goat Cheese (Salad and Salad Dressing)

Fresh beets and green beans from the garden on greens with chevre cheese and truffle oil

Fat: 7.93, Protein: 4.8, Carbs: 12.17

Calories 134

Tommy's Margarita (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Calories 0

Watermelon-Mint Agua Fresca (Drink)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Sweet Amigos (Drink)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Calories 0


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