Lunch: BBQ Bacon Wrapped Smokies


24 Lit’l Smokies
6 slices Bacon
3 tbsp. Keto BBQ Sauce (recipe here)
Salt and Pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 375F. Start by chopping 6 slices of bacon into quarter-pieces. In total, you should have 24 quarter-slices of bacon. Place a little smokie on top of the slice of bacon.
2. Roll the little smokie up in the bacon so that there is a small amount of overlap.
3. Stick a toothpick into the overlapping piece and set on a cookie sheet covered with foil.
4. Repeat the process for all of the smokies and place into the oven to bake for 25 minutes.
5. Take the smokies out of the oven and use a basting brush to brush BBQ sauce on the little smokies. They should be coated quite well.
6. Place back in the oven and bake for another 10-12 minutes.
7. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.
8. Serve on a platter. Feel free to sprinkle some parmesan cheese and chopped spring onion over them.


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