Lunch: Low Carb Chili Lime Meatballs


1 lb. Ground Chicken (90%/10%)
2 tbsp. Flaxseed Meal
2 tbsp. Almond Flour
2 medium Spring Onions, chopped
1/2 medium Red Bell Pepper
2 tbsp. Cilantro, chopped
1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
1/2 medium Lime, juice and zest
2 oz. Cheddar Cheese

1 medium Avocado
1/2 medium Lime, juice
1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder
Salt & Pepper to Taste


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Shred 2 oz. Cheddar Cheese and set aside in a bowl.
2. Prep all of the vegetables – finely chop 1/2 red bell pepper and 2 spring onions.
3. Add ground chicken and vegetables to the bowl the with cheese. Chop 2 tbsp. cilantro and add to the bowl. Season with spices.
4. Juice 1/2 lime into the chicken meatball mixture, then zest the lime and add in the zest. I find it really easily with a lemon/lime juicer.
5. Add 2 tbsp. almond flour and flaxseed meal, then mix everything together well.
6. Roll out the meatballs as uniform as you can get them and bake for 15-18 minutes or until cooked through.
7. Make the simple guacamole by mashing together avocado, lime juice, garlic powder, and salt and pepper to taste.
8. Serve with simple guac for a delicious meal.


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