Dessert: Deep Fried Mars Bars

ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS - PAPERBACKS AND EBOOKS: Deep Fried Mars Bars are one of the most unhealthy desserts you could imagine! Invented in Scotland, a Mars chocolate bar is frozen and dipped in cake batter, then deep fried until crisp and golden on the outside and gooey in the middle. Not recommend for regular consumption, but good for a (very occasional) treat - Give it a go! MY SECOND CHANNEL: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! FOLLOW ME! BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK! ================= RECIPE FACT SHEET ================= INGREDIENTS IN THIS DISH: 2 Frozen Mars Bars (or Snickers / similar chocolate candy bar) 1 Cup of Self Raising Flour 1/2 Cup of Caster Sugar (Superfine Sugar) 1 Egg 1/2 Cup of Milk (125ml) SERVES 2 Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: About 2 minutes ALL MEASUREMENTS GIVEN ARE AUSTRALIAN STANDARD METRIC (Look up Google for a conversion chart if using Imperial) More cooking videos at: Music by Kevin McLeod (Used with Permission)


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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