Snack: Cream Cheese and Bacon Jalepeno Poppers

An even tempered low carb snack that's low in calories too.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 25 mins

Total Time: 35 mins


1/2 cup cream cheese
4 medium slices bacon, cut into strips
8 jalapeno peppers


1. Cut the chili peppers in half lengthwise; scrape out seeds and membranes.

2. Fill each half with cream cheese, but do not mound it. Four ounces should be just about the right amount for 8 average size jalapeno halves. If you have extra large peppers, make sure you have a full 8 ounces of cream cheese on hand.

3. Wrap each with 1/2 slice raw bacon, making sure to start with the end on the bottom of the pepper. Stretch the bacon slightly to make it go all the way around each pepper once, then tuck ends underneath.

4. Place cream cheese side up on foil-lined baking sheet. These can be assembled and chilled until just before baking and serving.

5. Bake at 375° F (190° C) for 20-25 minutes.

6. If bacon isn't quite done, broil a few more minutes to brown.


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