Lunch: BBQ Chicken Soup



3 medium Chicken Thighs
2 tsp. Chili Seasoning
2 tbsp. Chicken Fat or Olive Oil
1 1/2 cup Chicken Broth
1 1/2 cup Beef Broth
Salt and Pepper to Taste

1/4 Cup Reduced Sugar Ketchup
1/4 cup Tomato Paste
2 tbsp. Dijon Mustard
1 tbsp. Soy Sauce
1 tbsp. Sambal Olek (or hot sauce)
2 1/2 tsp. Liquid Smoke
1 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
1 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Onion Powder
1 tsp. Chili Powder
1 tsp. Red Chili Flakes
1 tsp. Cumin
1/4 cup Butter


1. Preheat oven to 400F. De-bone chicken thighs, set bones aside, and season well with your favorite chili seasoning (I used Penzey’s Chili 9000). Place on a baking tray with foil.
2. Place in oven and bake for 50 minutes.
3. In the mean time, place 2 tbsp. Chicken Fat or Olive Oil in a pot. Heat this to a medium high heat and once hot, add chicken bones. Let these cook for at least 5 minutes and then add broths. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Once the chicken is done, remove the skins and set aside. Add all of the fat from the chicken thighs into the broth and stir.
5. Make the BBQ sauce by combining all ingredients above.
6. Add bbq sauce to the pot and stir together. Let this simmer in a pot for 20-30 minutes.
7. Use an immersion blender to emulsify all of the fats and liquids together. Then, shred chicken thighs and add to the soup. You can optionally add spring onion or bell pepper here. Simmer for another 10-20 minutes.
8. Serve up and enjoy! I like to garnish with a little bit of spring onion, yellow bell pepper, and cheddar cheese. Don’t forget to serve with the crispy and delicious chicken skins on the side!


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