Dinner: How to Make Chicken Nanbanzuke (Recipe)

How to Make Chicken Nanbanzuke 鶏肉の南蛮漬けの作り方 We would appreciate it if you could add subtitles for this video! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=Rvp-5EJb-Uw Thank you for your support! (serves 2) 300g Chicken Thigh (10.6 oz) 1 tbsp Sake ½ tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp Ginger Juice 2 tbsp Potato Starch 70g Onion (2.47 oz) 20g Carrot (0.705 oz) 2 Bell Peppers 3 Butter Lettuce Leaves ½ tsp Cooking Oil 4 tbsp Water 4x4cm Kombu Kelp (1½x1½ inch) 4 tbsp Vinegar 1 tbsp Soy Sauce 1½ tbsp Sugar ⅛ tsp Salt ½ Red Chili Pepper Toasted White Sesame Seeds "Cooking with Dog Assistant" is now available on iPhone and iPad! http://bit.ly/20memZB You might also enjoy ... http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://instagram.com/cookingwithdog_ http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog http://vine.co/cookingwithdog ※字幕を表示するには動画下部にある [設定] アイコンをクリックして下さい♪ <材料>2人分 鶏もも肉1枚(300g) 酒大1 しょう油大1/2 生姜汁小1 片栗粉大2 玉ねぎ小1/2個(70g) 人参5cm長さ(20g) ピーマン2個 サラダ菜3枚 油小1/2 水大4 昆布4cm角 酢大4 しょう油大1 砂糖大1と1/2 塩小1/8 赤唐辛子1/2本 炒り白ごま少々 iPhoneとiPadでアプリ「Cooking with Dog Assistant」が利用できます! http://bit.ly/20memZB Ingredientes para Nanban de frango (2 porções) 300g de Sobrecoxa de Frango sem osso 2 colheres de sopa de sakê 1 colher de sopa de shoyu 2 colheres de chá de suco de gengibre 4 colheres de sopa de amido de milho 70g de cebola 20g de cenoura 2 pimentões 3 folhas de alface 1 colher de chá de óleo de cozinha 8 colheres de sopa de água 4x4cm de uma folha kombu 8 colheres de sopa de vinagre 2 colheres de sopa de shoyu 3 colheres de sopa de açúcar 1/4 de colher de sopa de sal 1/2 pimenta vermelha Gergelim branco torrado

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Sesame Seeds

Health and fertility benefits of How to Make Chicken Nanbanzuke (Recipe)

Sesame seeds help with progesterone balance. Lignans found in in sesame seeds help to prevent excess estrogen production.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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