Dinner: Vegetable Gyudon (Beef Bowl Recipe) 野菜たっぷり牛丼 作り方 レシピ

How to Make Vegetable Gyudon 野菜たっぷり牛丼の作り方 字幕表示可 材料(日本語)↓ (serves 2) 160g Beef Slices (5.6 oz) 100g Onion (3.5 oz) 100g Shirataki Noodles (3.5 oz) 30g Carrot (1.1 oz) 50g King Oyster Mushroom or substitute: shimeji, shiitake or enokitake (1.8 oz) 3 pieces of Okra - Broth - 150ml Dashi Stock or ¼ tsp dashi stock powder, dissolved (5.3 fl oz) 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 2 tbsp Sugar 1 tbsp Sake 1 tbsp Mirin 10g Ginger Root, shredded (0.4 oz) Beni Shoga, pickled ginger Steamed Rice You might also enjoy ... Saba Misoni https://youtu.be/NXf4iY5qRuY Previous Gyudon https://youtu.be/F1mvYnRJX70 http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog http://vine.co/cookingwithdog ※字幕を表示するには動画下部にある [字幕] アイコンをクリックして下さい♪ <材料>2人分 牛肉(切り落とし):160g 玉ねぎ:100g しらたき:100g 人参:30g エリンギ(しめじ 椎茸 えのき茸でも):50g オクラ:3本 [煮汁] だし汁:150ml(湯150mlに和風だしの素小さじ1/4を溶いてもよい) しょうゆ:大さじ2 砂糖:大さじ2 酒:大さじ1 みりん:大さじ1 生姜千切り:10g 紅生姜 ご飯

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Vegetable Gyudon (Beef Bowl Recipe) 野菜たっぷり牛丼 作り方 レシピ

Miso is extremely nutrient-dense and believed to alkalinize the body and stop the effects of carcinogens in the system.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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