Lunch: Mashed-Potato Spring Rolls

David Chang took F&W's Thanksgiving challenge by improvising a Momofuku-style feast from basic leftovers, including turning mashed potatoes and green beans into this crispy canapé, a salute to the 1950s.


16 slice of packaged white bread
1 c. Mashed potatoes
1/2 c. thinly sliced cooked green beans
1/4 tsp. togarashi (see Tips & Techniques), or use cayenne pepper
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 large egg yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of water
2 c. vegetable oil
Warm turkey gravy and Sriracha chile sauce


Stack the bread in 4 piles and trim the crusts. Using a rolling pin, roll out each bread slice to a thin 3-by-5-inch rectangle.
In a bowl, combine the mashed potatoes, green beans, and togarashi ; season with salt and pepper. Brush the edges of 4 bread rectangles with the egg yolk mixture. Shape 1 tablespoon of the potato mixture into a log along a long edge of a rectangle, leaving 1/2 inch on each end. Tightly roll up the bread to form a cylinder; press the ends together to seal. Repeat with the remaining bread and potato mixture.
In a skillet, heat the oil to 325 °F. Add half of the rolls and fry, turning occasionally, until well-browned, about 1 1/2 minutes. Transfer to paper towels. Repeat with the remaining rolls. Serve with gravy and Sriracha.


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