Lunch: Italian Pot Roast


2 whole Beef Chuck Roasts
2 jars Roasted Red Peppers
2 jars Artichoke Hearts, Drained
6 whole Sundried Tomatoes (jarred)
2 whole Yellow Onions, Peeled And Quartered
28 ounces, fluid Beef Stock Or Beef Broth
2 Tablespoons Parsley Flakes
6 cloves Garlic, Peeled
1 cup Wine (red Or White)
2 Tablespoons Flour
Salt And Pepper, to taste
12 ounces, weight Egg Noodles
Fresh Parsley, Minced


Preheat oven to 275 degrees.
Throw chuck roasts into a large, heavy pot. Pour on the roasted red peppers, the drained artichoke hearts, and the sun dried tomatoes. If the sun dried tomatoes are packed in oil, drizzle in about a tablespoon of the oil. Add onions, garlic cloves and beef broth, then place the lid on the pot and cook in the oven for four hours.
Remove the pot after four hours and use a fork to confirm that the meat is falling apart/fork tender. (If not, put back into the oven for 30 minute increments until totally tender.)
With a slotted spoon, remove the peppers, artichokes, onions, garlic, and sundried tomatoes and place them in a separate container. Remove the meat and place it in another separate containers. Cover the containers holding the veggies and meat and refrigerate them several hours or overnight. Place the lid on the pot and refrigerate it for several hours or overnight.
When you're ready to serve the roast, remove the meat and veggie bowls from the fridge and nuke them just to heat them up. Set aside.
Cook egg noodles according to package directions. Drain and set aside.
Remove the pot from the fridge and carefully skim off the solidified fat from the top of the liquid. Discard the fat. Mix flour with 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid and set aside.
Add wine to the cooking liquid then bring it to a boil over high heat. Boil the liquid for several minutes, until it reduces by at least half. When bubbles appear all over the surface of the liquid, drizzle in a tablespoon or so of the flour paste. Check thickness: if it's too liquidy, continue to boil for another minute or two. If it's too thick, add some more broth or water. You want to wind up with a rich, thick liquid/gravy.
Arrange cooked noodles on a large platter and arrange chunks of the meat and the intact artichoke hearts and peppers (and garlic cloves!) all around the meat. Spoon the thick gravy all over the top and sprinkle on minced fresh parsley.
Serve immediately! Very, very flavorful.


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