Lunch: Smoky Pimiento Cheese Deviled Eggs Recipe | Myrecipes

This recipe comes from chef Jason Hill at Wisteria Restaurant in Atlanta.


12 large eggs
1/4 cup mayonnaise
3/4 cup freshly grated smoked or sharp Cheddar cheese
1/4 cup finely chopped jarred roasted red bell pepper
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Pinch of ground red pepper
Toppings: sliced green onions, diced country ham, sliced pickled okra, spiced pecans


Place eggs in a large stainless steel saucepan (not nonstick). Add water to depth of 3 inches. Bring to a rolling boil; cook 1 minute. Cover, remove from heat, and let stand 10 minutes. Drain.
Place eggs under cold running water until cool enough to handle. Peel under cold running water. Cut eggs in half lengthwise; remove yolks. Reserve 6 yolks for another use.
Mash remaining 6 yolks with mayonnaise using a fork. Stir in cheese and next 3 ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Spoon into egg whites. Serve with desired toppings.


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