Lunch: California Chicken Salad Tacos

Fresh Western flavors of Pace® Picante Sauce, lime juice, and chili powder season strips of chicken to fold inside a tortilla with crisp lettuce, shredded cheese, and chopped tomato.


3/4 c. Pace® Picante Sauce
2 tbsp. lime juice
1/2 tsp. chili powder
2 c. cooked chicken strips
3 c. Shredded lettuce
12 flour tortillas
1 medium tomato
4 oz. shredded Cheddar cheese


Stir the picante sauce, lime juice, and chili powder in a large bowl. Add the chicken and lettuce and toss to coat.
Spoon about 1/2 cup chicken mixture down the center of each tortilla. Top with the tomato, cheese, and additional picante sauce. Fold the tortillas around the filling. Nutritional Values per Serving using Pace Picante Sauce: Vitamin A 7%DV, Vitamin C 3%DV, Calcium 14%DV, Iron 11%DV


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