Lunch: Molasses-Cured Pork Shoulder Bacon

Pork shoulder bacon may not get quite as crisp as belly bacon, but it has a great taste and a meaty texture. Even if you have a thermometer for your grill, you'll still need an instant-read — the grill thermometer won't register low enough to monitor the


1 (4- to 6-lb) boneless pork shoulder Boston roast (Boston butt)
6 cups water
1 cup kosher salt
2/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons Instacure No. 1*
1/2 cup mild molasses
3 cups ice cubes
4 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper (optional)
Special equipment: 1- to 2-gallon plastic storage tub or stainless-steel bowl; a 221/2-inch covered kettle grill with a hinged top rack; a 12- by 8- by 2-inch disposable aluminum roasting pan; 3 lb hardwood sawdust*; charcoal briquettes; a chimney starter; long metal tongs; an instant-read thermometer


Put pork butt, fat side up, on a work surface, then halve horizontally with a sharp large knife.
Stir together water, salt, brown sugar, and Instacure in storage tub until solids are dissolved, about 3 minutes, then add molasses and stir until dissolved. Add ice and stir until cure is cold (ice may not be completely melted; keeping liquid cold slows salt absorption).
Add pork to cure, then weight with a large plate to keep submerged. Chill, tub covered with a lid or plastic wrap, 36 hours.
Rinse pork and pat dry, then discard brine. Sprinkle pork evenly with pepper (if using).
Prepare grill and smoke bacon: See preceding recipe.
Cut bacon crosswise into 1/8-inch-thick slices with a sharp knife, then fry in a heavy skillet over moderately low heat, turning, until browned. Transfer to paper towels to drain.
Available at The Sausage Maker (888-490-8525).


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