Snack: Hot Fudge Sundae Dip

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison Serve with waffle cone pieces or vanilla wafer cookies.


1 container frozen whipped topping, like Cool Whip
1 package vanilla pudding mix
1 banana sliced
chocolate fudge sauce
rainbow sprinkles
maraschino cherry, for garnish


Combine whipped topping, pudding mix and half of the banana slices in a large mixing bowl. Use an electric mixer to beat ingredients together until thoroughly combined.
Fold in about one tablespoon of fudge sauce, mixing it just enough to create ribbons of fudge—not completely stirring it in.
Top the dip with banana slices, sprinkles and a fudge drizzle. Add a cherry on top, if you're feeling like going all out.


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