Soup: Vegetarian Chili II

Great and easy chili that's full of protein and yummy even if you are not a vegetarian.


3 oz part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 oz fat free sour cream
1 tbsp chili seasoning
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup chopped purple onion
10 oz petite tomatoes with jalapenos, diced
1 cup water
12 oz veggie crumble


1. Combine everything except the sour cream and cheese into a large pot.

2. Simmer on low heat for approximately 20-30 minutes or until onions are tender.

3. Stir occasionally and season with extra chili powder, oregano and basil if desired.

4. Top with a sprinkle of cheese and spoonful of fat free sour cream.

5. Serve with a side salad and enjoy!


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