Snack: BLT Dip

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison If you thought a BLT could only be eaten in sandwich form, think again.


1 package bacon
1 16 oz. container sour cream
1 packet ranch seasoning mix
1 pt. cherry tomatoes, quartered
1 bag shredded lettuce
1 tbsp. chopped scallions
2 boxes Melba toast, for dipping


Cook bacon in a skillet over medium heat until crispy. Place bacon on a plate lined with paper towels to drain off excess grease. When cool, crumble bacon. Set aside.
In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine sour cream and ranch seasoning. Pour 1/3 of mixture in the bottom of a trifle dish or small casserole dish. Top with crumbled bacon, cherry tomatoes and lettuce, repeating until you’ve reached the top of the dish. Top with remaining sour cream mixture, then sprinkle with remaining bacon and chopped scallions. Serve with Melba toasts.


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