Dessert: Fangtastic Dracula Cupcake

Recipe by Woman's Day Kitchen One look at this cupcake and you'll be bitten by the dessert bug, with its ingenious use of a mini cupcake for the face and Tootsie Rolls, licorice strings and frosting for Dracula's features.


24 cupcakes
2 can Chocolate frosting
3 qt. ziptop freezer bags
1 can vanilla frosting
24 mini cupcakes or plain muffins
4 red licorice strings
Chocolate sprinkles
12 Tootsie Roll Midgees


Spoon 3 ⁄4 cup chocolate frosting into a ziptop bag; snip off a tiny corner. Frost larger cupcakes with the remaining chocolate frosting.
Spoon 2 Tbsp vanilla frosting into a ziptop bag; snip off a tiny corner. Smoothly spread 1 Tbsp of the remaining vanilla frosting onto each mini cupcake.
Pipe double arches on mini cupcakes with chocolate frosting for hairline; pipe to edge of cupcake, then fill in for hair. Place red licorice on faces for mouths and 2 sprinkles lengthwise on each for eyes. Pipe vanilla frosting onto licorice for fangs. Place mini cupcakes on their sides on top of larger cupcakes.
On a cutting board, roll out each Tootsie Roll Midgee into a 2-in. circle. Cut out a 11 ⁄2-in. square from each; cut square diagonally to make 2 triangles. Place 1 triangle onto each side of faces (the frosting will keep it in place), slightly folding long tip ends for collar.


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