Appetizer: Skinny Pimento Cheese Spread

Slimmed down version of this southern classic recipe can be used as a dip for your favorite chips or spread for a sandwich.

Prep Time: 20 mins


2 cups fat free cheddar cheese
1/2 cup fat free cream cheese
1/2 cup reduced fat cream cheese
1/4 cup fat free whipped topping
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
3 stalks young green onions
4 oz sliced sweet pimentos


1. Bring both cream cheese to room temperature, then using fork, blend until both are combined well.

2. Add fat free cheddar cheese to cream cheese mix, blending together.

3. Drain pimientos and chop into smaller pieces. Finely chop green onions. Adding both to cheese mixture.

4. Add whipped topping (like Miracle Whip) to cheese mixture, blend well.

5. Salt and pepper to taste. Add garlic powder. Blending all until smooth.

6. For best results, refrigerate in sealed container at least 2 hours. To use as a dip, add an additional tablespoon garlic powder or to taste.

7. Note: serving size is 2 tablespoons of spread / dip.


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