Lunch: Rapid Risotto Recipe | Myrecipes


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup uncooked Arborio rice or other short-grain rice
1/2 cup frozen chopped onion
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 (16-ounce) can fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth
1 cup finely chopped plum tomatoes (about 1/4 pound)
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 ounces chopped prosciutto (about 3/4 cup)
1/4 cup (1 ounce) preshredded fresh Parmesan cheese
Parsley sprigs (optional)


Heat oil in a 6-quart pressure cooker over medium heat until hot. Add rice and onion, and sauté 1 minute. Stir in wine and broth. Close lid securely, and bring to high pressure over high heat (about 4 minutes). Adjust heat to medium or level needed to maintain high pressure, and cook 3 minutes. Remove from heat, and let stand 5 minutes. Place pressure cooker under cold running water. Remove lid, and stir in the tomatoes, parsley, pepper, and prosciutto. Cook, uncovered, over medium-high heat 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in cheese. Garnish with parsley sprigs, if desired.


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