Lunch: Wolfgang Puck's Rémoulade Sauce

Recipe by Wolfgang Puck Rosemary, sweet paprika, and garlic make this sauce a tasty burger topping for Wolfgang Puck's Mini Cheeseburgers.


2 c. heavy cream
3 clove garlic
2 sprig fresh rosemary
1 tbsp. sweet paprika
2 tbsp. peanut oil
3/4 c. brunoise (small dice) of red onion
1/2 c. brunoise (small dice) of red bell pepper
1/2 c. brunoise (small dice) of yellow bell pepper


In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream, garlic, rosemary, and paprika. Reduce by half. Allow to cool to room temperature.
In a sauté pan, heat the peanut oil. Sweat the onions, and red and yellow bell peppers until glossy. Transfer to a plate and allow to cool to room temperature.
Once both mixtures have cooled to room temperature, combine in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Serve immediately.


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